Special Issues
Verena Meyer; Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen; Iselin Frydenlund; Göran Larsson. (2024). Reflections on the Special Issue: Burning of the Qur’an. Temenos-Nordic Journal for the Study of Religion, 60(2), 203-223.
Larsson, Göran; Frydenlund, Iselin; Brekke, Torkel. (2024). A Burning Affair: Introducing a Special Issue on the Burning of the Quran. Temenos-Nordic Journal for the Study of Religion, 60(1), 5-26.
Ganesh, Bharath; Frydenlund, Iselin; Brekke, Torkel. (2023). Flows and modalities of global Islamophobia. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(5), 895–906.
Frydenlund, Iselin and Leidig, Eviane (2022): “Love Jihad”: Sexuality, Reproduction and the Construction of the Muslim Male, Religions 13 (3).
Leidig, Eviane (ed.) (2021). The Radical Right During Crisis: CARR Yearbook 2020/21, Ibidem Press.
Leidig, Eviane (ed.) (2020). Mainstreaming the Global Radical Right: CARR Yearbook 2019/20, Ibidem Press.
Frydenlund, Iselin and Michael Jerryson (eds.) (2020). Buddhist-Muslim Relations in a Theravada World. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Chapters
Leidig, Eviane (2021): Far-Right Terrorism is Global, But Coverage is Not: Hindu Nationalist Violence in India. In: Leidig (ed.) The Radical Right During Crisis: CARR Yearbook 2020/21, Ibidem Press.
Leidig, Eviane (2021). From cyber-Hindutva to Ab Ki Baar Trump Sarkar: (Trans) national entanglements of Hindu diaspora political integration. In: Gowricharn, Ruben. Political Integration in Indian Diaspora Societies, Routledge India.
Jerryson, Michael and Frydenlund, Iselin (2020). An Introduction: Buddhist Muslim Relations in a Theravada World. In: Jerryson and Frydenlund (eds.). Buddhist-Muslim Relations in a Theravada World, 1-21, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
Jerryson, Michael and Frydenlund, Iselin (2020). Buddhists, Muslims and the Construction of Difference. In: Jerryson and Frydenlund (eds.). Buddhist-Muslim Relations in a Theravada World, 263-297, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.
Peer-reviewed articles
Larsson, Göran and Mattsson, Christer (2024). Rasmus Paludan, Burning of the Qur’an and Swedish Media: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Temenos 60(1), 131-156.
Kozaric, Edin (2024). Are Muslim experiences taken seriously in theories of Islamophobia? A literature review of Muslim experiences with social exclusion in the West. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(5), 907–940.
Bangstad, Sindre and Linge, Marius (2024). Qur’an burning in Norway: stop the Islamisation of Norway (SIAN) and far-right capture of free speech in a Scandinavian context. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(5), 941–962.
Kozaric, Edin and Brekke, Torkel (2024). The case of WikiIslam: scientification of Islamophobia or legitimate critique of Islam? Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(5), 963–981.
Ganesh, Bharath and Faggiani, Nicolò (2024). The flood, the traitors, and the protectors: affect and white identity in the Internet Research Agency’s Islamophobic propaganda on Twitter. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(5), 982–1008.
Frydenlund, Iselin (2024). Theorizing Buddhist anti-Muslim nationalism as global Islamophobia. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(5), 1034–1056.
Sen, Moumita (2023). Corona-Jihad Memes: The Shifting Iconology of Islamophobia from Hindu Nationalists. Journal of Religion, Media, and Digital Culture 11 (3), 362–388.
Leidig, Eviane (2021). From love jihad to grooming gangs: tracing flows of the hypersexual Muslim male through far-right female influencers. Religions 12 (12).
Frydenlund, Iselin (2021). Protecting Buddhist Women from Muslim Men: “Love Jihad” and the Rise of Islamophobia in Myanmar. Religions 12 (12).
Bangstad, Sindre (2021). Anthropologies of the far-right and the anthropology of critique. Social Anthropology, 29 (2), 339-340.
Brekke, Torkel (2021). Islamophobia and Antisemitism are Different in Their Potential for Globalization. Journal of Religion and Violence, DOI: 10.5840/jrv202142689.
Leidig, Eviane; Ganesh, Bharath; Bright, Jonathan (2021). New forms of cultural nationalism? American and British Indians in the Trump and Brexit Twittersphere. Nations and Nationalism, 28(1), 302-321.
Leidig, Eviane (2020). Hindutva as a variant of right-wing extremism. Patterns of Prejudice, DOI: 10.1080/0031322X.2020.1759861.
Thorleifsson, Cathrine (2019). The Swedish dystopia: violent imaginaries of the radical right. Patterns of Prejudice 53 (5), 515-533.
Salwan Momika: A Global Symbol of Injustice, Iselin Frydenlund for Right Now! (21 February 2025)
Salwan Momika er et symbol på urettferdighet for to politiske ytterunkter, Iselin Frydenlund for Aftenposten (4 February 2025)
What does it mean to take Muslim experiences seriously when theorizing about Islamophobia? (It’s not what you think), Edin Kozaric for Right Now! (19 November 2024)
INTERSECT: Intersecting flows of Islamophobia, Torkel Brekke for Right Now! (31 May 2024)
From Prijedor to Bucha: The Commemoration of White Armband Day, Edin Kozaric for Right Now! (8 July 2022).
Norway ten years after the Utøya massacre, Sindre Bangstad for Aljazeera (26 July 2021)
Global islamofobi, Iselin Frydenlund for Klassekampen (22 July 2021)
What has Norway learned from the Utøya attack 10 years ago? Not what I hoped, Sindre Bangstad for The Guardian (22 July 2021)
Far-Right in the Global South: Adapting and Applying Tech Policies Locally, Eviane Leidig für GNET Insights (21 June 2021)
The Atlanta Shootings Reveal a Blind Spot in Far-Right Studies, Eviane Leidig for Rantt (06 April 2021)
Myanmar Buddhism under Perpetual Siege: Reactions to the Coup on Facebook, Esther Tenberg for Berkley Forum (12 March 2021)
Odysee: The New YouTube for the Far-Right, Eviane Leidig for GNET Insights (17 February 2021)
Covid-19-rasismen, Iselin Frydenlund for Klassekampen (03 December 2020)
Now Streaming: “Love Jihad” on Netflix, Eviane Leidig for GNET (26 November 2020)
De sterke brødrene, Iselin Frydenlund for Klassekampen (10 September 2020)
Kritisk raseteori er et kolonialistisk prosjekt, Torkel Brekke for Mogenbladet (14 August 2020)
The 2019 mosque attack and freedom of speech in Norway, Sindre Bangstad for Al Jazeera (26 May 2020)
From Incels to Tradwives: Understanding the spectrum of gender and online extremism, Eviane Leidig for Impakter (21 May 2020)
Burning the Qur’an: Blasphemy, Hate Speech, and Free Speech in Norway, Sindre Bangstad for Shuddhashar (1 May 2020)
“#CoronaJihad”: How the far-right in India is responding to the pandemic, Eviane Leidig for Global Network on Extremism & Technology Insights (15 April 2020)
Far-Right Terrorism is Global, But Coverage is Not: Hindu Nationalist Violence in India, Eviane Leidig for Global Network on Extremism & Technology Insights (24 February 2020)
The Far-Right is Going Global, Eviane Leidig for Foreign Policy (21 January 2020)
Islamofobi som globalt fenomen, Iselin Frydenlund, Torkel Brekke, Cathrine Thorleifsson & Sindre Bangstad for Aftenposten (16 August 2019)